Update your Company Profile

Show the world how awesome you are! 😀

Your company profile is where you'll set your global branding. Click here to get started: Company  Profile

Once in your in your Company Profile, check the following:

  • Ensure your Company name is displayed as you want it displayed to your customers.
  • Enter your website URL and ensure the logo is correct. 
  • Set the Outboard site. If you're using Onboard with customers, this is the URL they will visit  to see their Map.
  • Set a background and button color that matches your branding. This will be used on the Outboard and throughout future features. 
    *Note: If you don't know your exact branding colors, you can use a Chrome plugin like "Color Picker" to grab the exact color codes from your website. 
  • Make sure to click "Save" and you're done.